Groundwork Greater Nottingham wants everyone who supports us, receives support from us, or works with us in any capacity to be satisfied with how any information relating to you will be gathered, and used.

Privacy Statement
Groundwork Greater Nottingham has a strict policy on Privacy and Data Protection; We will not use your personal information in a way which you would not reasonably expect us to, and we will make every effort to make sure your information is processes in a fair and transparent manner.


We will ensure that we use your data in accordance with all relevant legislation.


This Policy has been written in line with the Data Protection Act 1998, and the EU General Data Protection Legislation (GDPR) 2016/679, and will explain;


– How we may collect your personal information

– The legal basis for us collecting data

– How we will use your data

– How and when we may disclose your details to others

– How your data is stored

– How your data is retained

– How your data is disposed of after use

– Your rights regarding the data we hold about you

Please click here for our complete Privacy Policy